With the Chinese economy and real estate market slowing dramatically and a vociferous anti-corruption campaign in full swing at home, Chinese buyers have been scrambling in the past few years to buy real estate abroad. 随着中国经济和房地产市场大幅放缓,同时声势浩大的反腐败运动不断深入,近年中国买家竞相在国外购买房地产。
Yet such are the vicissitudes of the MA market that news of a fresh mega deal could easily swing sentiment back to positive and help salve the wounds of a traumatic Tuesday on Wall Street. 不过,并购市场的波动就是这样,新的大规模交易的消息会轻而易举地令市场情绪乐观起来,并帮助抚平华尔街黑色星期二造成的伤痛。
He waited a little while before opening it, he says, to make sure the bull market was in full swing. 葛天宇说,开这个账户前他花了一点时间来确认市场已经全面进入牛市。
The work of building up the market system has been in full swing. The macro-control system has improved constantly. The pace of change in government functions has been quickened. 市场体系建设全面展开,宏观调控体系不断完善,政府职能转变步伐加快。
Again, such an extreme desire for security might imply that the market cannot fall much further and is ready to swing in the other direction. 对资金安全的渴望达到如此极端的程度,或许也预示着市场不会进一步大跌,而是即将掉头回升。
By Thursday a run on money market funds was in full swing and we came as close to a meltdown as at any time since the 1930s. 到周四,货币市场基金的赎回全面展开,我们比上世纪30年代以来的任何时候都更加接近崩盘的边缘。
When a market is declining, it continues to make lower bottoms and lower tops. therefore, when the last swing top is crossed, it indicates a change in trend. 当市场下跌时,它将创更低的底部和更低的顶部。因此,当最后的波峰被穿过时,预示趋势已经改变。
The housing market has moved beyond a cyclical swing from boom to bust into a fundamental cycle of negative feedback that weighs on the whole economy. 美国房地产市场已经越过盛衰周期波动,进入到对整体经济构成压力的负反馈基本循环。
And Luoyang City real estate market is still in full swing. 和洛阳市的房地产市场仍处于全面展开。
Since it's a Wednesday, the farmer's market is in full swing on my way to work. 因为是星期三,在我去工作的路上,农夫的市场正是活跃的时候。
There were some indications of stabilization in the housing market before the credit crunch moved into full swing in October. 在10月份信贷危机全面爆发以前,住房市场曾显示出了一些持稳迹象。
Cross-commodity unit is constructed between energy market and electricity market, based on which risk-avoiding model is designed incorporating swing options. 该文首先在燃料市场和电量市场之间构造出交叉商品组合,在此基础上引入摆动期权合约设计了发电商的风险回避模型。
However, since 1970s, due to dysfunction of government regulation, the changes of technology and market conditions and recent development of regulation theories, deregulation reform has been under full swing. 但20世纪70年代以来,由于政府规制的失灵、技术和市场条件的变化以及规制理论的发展,自然垄断行业放松规制的改革之风盛行。
Insurance companies are constantly developing new insurance products and opening up the market, which makes the industry develop in full swing. 保险公司不断开发保险品种,开拓保险市场,保险行业正发展得如火如荼。
In a new wave of property market regulation, residential property market once in full swing has been no longer prosperous, and the market purchasing power was suppressed unprecedented. 在新一波的楼市调控之下,曾经热火朝天的住宅地产好景不再,市场购买力得到了空前压制。
E-commerce in the domestic market in full swing contrast, Sichuan Post which has been promising to turn into beautiful e-commerce business industry, but it does take a step slow pace of action. 在国内电子商务市场如火如荼的对比下,四川邮政这个被业界一直看好能华丽转身成为电子商务的航母企业性产业,却迟迟迈不动步伐。
Moment of the stock market has ups and downs, there has been market volatility, Participants swing because of the uncertainty of the future of market. 股票市场时刻都有起伏,波动一直存在,市场的参与者也因为对未来市场的不确定性而摇摆不定。
In recent years, the survival and development of RCB are faced with enormous pressure because of the external market competition intensifies and the internal self-congenitally deficient, especially the swing of market positioning. 近年来,由于外部市场竞争的加剧和内部自身先天不足,特别是市场定位摇摆不定等因素的影响,区域性商业银行的发展面临着巨大的压力。
Network service convergence is the development trend of the worldwide information market, the development of new business information in Chinese market in full swing, the triple play is an important part of Chinese information industry development strategy planning. 网络业务融合是全球范围内的信息市场发展趋势所在,中国信息市场新业务发展如火如荼,三网融合是中国信息产业发展战略规划的重要部分。
In recent years, the M& A activity in Chinese market is also in full swing. 近年来,中国市场的并购活动也在如火如荼的进行。
As the market economy in full swing, car sales are increasing while some equipment is still in research and development. And with the increase of customer applications, the basic facilities are in higher demand. 随着市场经济如火如荼的进行、车辆销量的与日俱增,相关设备的建设还在进行中,随着应用客户的增多,对基本配套设施提出了更高的要求。